Ccn Mini Dermacomfort

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Complete feed for dogs - For adult and mature small breed dogs (from 1 to 10 kg) - Over 10 months old - Dogs prone to skin irritation and itching.
Royal Canin

Skin irritation is the most common reason that dogs are taken to the vet. The right food can help to soothe skin sensitivities while also providing your small dog with a complete and balanced diet. Suitable for dogs that weigh up to 10kg, ROYAL CANIN® Mini Dermacomfort is specially tailored with the nutritional needs of small dogs like yours in mind. This foods reduced allergen formula contains essential fatty acids like GLA, EPA and DHA. These fatty acids are sourced from fish and vegetable oils and help to support your dogs skin and nourish their coat, making it less sensitive to irritants in the surrounding environment. This recipe is enriched with carefully selected low-allergen proteins that help to reduce the risk of intolerance and allergic reactions. When it comes to the kibble in your dogs food, size and shape is important. For a small breed dog like yours, smaller-sized kibble is easier to chew and swallow. Thats why the shape and size of the kibble in this food is exclusively designed to suit your small dogs little mouth. At ROYAL CANIN®, everything we do is driven by our passion for pet health. Our Canine Care Nutrition range is the result of decades of advanced scientific research into developing tasty canine nutrition that supports your dogs health. But dont just take our word for it the results of this product are scientifically proven. After just 2 months of continued use, 91% of owners were highly satisfied with this food.
Royal Canin
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Ccn Mini Dermacomfort
